We just hit the 500 titles mark this past week at our sister website, http://www.discountquiltbooks.com/. ( For now it is linked directly with http://www.laptophoops.com/ .) My wife, Merry has taken over the site. I can't enter all the books in the system and build quilt frames at the same time. In the last two weeks, she has doubled the assortment that is available for you to browse through. We still have another 500 titles to enter!!! Last weeks hot selling was Dating Fabrics - A color guide from 1800 to 1960. This book has gone out of print and we bought everything the local wholesaler had in stock. With the amazing power of our facebook fanpage, they practically sold out instantly. We have now ordered the book above, Dating Fabrics 2, from the publishing company and should have it later this week. It should be another big hit.

Our blog is titled hand quilting, well we started out with hand quilting frames and expanded into other areas. For those of you who are hand quilting addicts, type "hand" in the search bar on the site. You will be treated to many titles from well known quilters in the industry. The book pictured above, Loving Stitches by Jeana Kimball, is another closeout special at 50% off the cover price.
The Farmer's Wife by Laurie Aaron Hird is another best seller on our site. It contains letters from the 1920's farm wives and 111 quilt blocks they inspired. Also included is a bonus CD with 106 Piecing Templates. Here is a sample of the captivating introduction to the book.
The perception that city dwellers had of farm women in the 1920's was generally not favorable. It was commonly believed that the farm wife was a drudge and a slave, miserable with her life, and anxious-if not determined-to see her daughter escape from the farm when she was grown. The Farmer's Wife, a popular women's magazine of the day, with 750,000 subscribers, believed that this view was far from the truth.
"In January 1922, the editors of the magazine asked their reader the following question: "If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you , in the light of your own experience, want her to marry a farmer?"The editors asked participant to "consider this question in all its angles. Talk it over with your husband, your children and your friends. Consider not only the financial side of the question but the moral and physical viewpoint and the things that make for real happiness. You wish the best things in the world for your children. Would your daughter as a framer's wife be better off-all things considered-than she would be in the city or town?"
The magazine offered prized for the best 68 answers submitted... and by the end of the contest, the editors were overwhelmed with responses, over 7,000. Find out what 94 percent of the wives answered.